My First Blog

I don’t know what I’m doing, not really that unusual for me, I have always been the type of person who wants to help people, I will try something new I think to myself, so i will spell things wrong, I will throw in the occasional swear word and no doubt upset someone including myself but what have I got to lose.

So I will start by introducing little ol me, I’m shelley, tattooists wife, mum to 3 step mum to 1 and grandmother (gosh that makes me feel so old) to 2, also been blessed with our amazing boxer Fudge.

This blog & hopefully ongoing social media help is all about life after your children grow amongst other things.

As this is my first time I’m sure it will go wrong but bare with me, I feel like we could get on, I feel like I’m going to gain as much out of this as you will out of reading it.

Im going to talk a lot about my experiences and at 42 I’ve had a fair few, I was a teen mum, I was diagnosed with an underachieve thyroid in my 20’s, I’ve had anxiety and depression on and off since as long as i can remember, I’ve been married 3 times, I’ve witnessed lots of death and thankfully birth, I’ve had home births and hospital births, I’m now, along side my 3rd and final hubby running a tattoo studio, feeling a little lost after dedicating my whole life to my kids, meaning no college or uni, no career, just fab memories and great children, now they need me less so time to figure out ‘whatsnextmum”.

So my thoughts are I will pick a topic and have a chat, share my experiences and hopefully hear yours, maybe you can share too.

I’m just a normal girl living a bit of whacky life, come and join me and my loves on this imperfect life.

shelley xx


18 thoughts on “My First Blog

  1. I can’t wait to hear what’s next yes your an amazing mum and I’m sure whatever steps next it’ll be just as awesome I need a “whatsnextmum” brainstorm now Freddie’s nearly 2. Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that your doing this wish I couid but wouid break down in tears if I wrote about my life and how I dread the future and what it brings.
    I love ready g and hearing about your happy family xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you hun, its not always as it seems, we have some very big bumps, I’m praying for you and yours hun, your just the most amazing mum and your doing a great job xx


  4. This is lovely 😊
    What a great idea !
    I know how you feeling had all mine young and now with the children all grown up I do feel a bit lost at times
    Wondering what I want to be when I’m a grown up 🤣 x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Its something i didnt think about until all of a sudden they were all grown up, Freya still needs me but no where near as much, hopefully you will find it entertaining xx


  5. Shelly I now have empty nest grandchildren syndrome ! My 3 are growing up , 10, 11 and 13 and I have a lot of fun with them but I’m not on baby sitting duties anymore. I relished all those sticky fingers and cuddles , singing , dancing and doing mad things with them ! Now I’m not allowed to sing or dance unless it’s choreographed by them! There’s still so much fun to be had with them but I have to tone it down 😂 so for me it’s a case of ‘What’s next nan?’ Who am I going to let my hair down with !


  6. Hey chickie.

    Read this with a tear in my eye as it was like hearing you talking to me . Keep being you & I will follow your blog with keen anticipation.
    I love you shelly xx


    1. Thank you so much Jac, i know that people that know me will know that I’m pretty open and honest about my life etc, so its lovely to hear that its coming across that way, i love you too xx


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